Ladies and Gentlemen

A lady, who was travelling by train, took a seat in a compartment where a man was smoking one cigarette after another. "If you were a gentleman," she said to him after some time, "you'd have stopped smoking when a lady entered the compartment." "If you were a lady," he answered, "you wouldn't have entered a smoking compartment." "If you were my husband," the lady exclaimed, "I'd give you poison!" "If I were your husband, I'd take it," was the reply.


  • Серый Волчара 4202 дней назад

    это реально английский юмор :)))

  • Любовь Гроголь 4202 дней назад

    неправда! юмор русский, лишь на английском мною освещённый... :) совсем язык забыла, вспоминаю таким образом. :)
    кстати, а конец-то размытый; почему он яд готов выпить: потому что в ужасе убежал бы от такой жены или потому что из её нежных ручек и яд - амброзия? ;)))))